Dr Andrew Scott G7VAV

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01: #ifndef _LINUX_SCHED_H
02: #define _LINUX_SCHED_H
04: /*
05:  * cloning flags:
06:  */
07: #define CSIGNAL         0x000000ff      /* signal mask to be sent at exit */
08: #define CLONE_VM        0x00000100      /* set if VM shared between processes */
09: #define CLONE_FS        0x00000200      /* set if fs info shared between processes */
10: #define CLONE_FILES     0x00000400      /* set if open files shared between processes */
11: #define CLONE_SIGHAND   0x00000800      /* set if signal handlers and blocked signals shared */
12: #define CLONE_PTRACE    0x00002000      /* set if we want to let tracing continue on the child too */
13: #define CLONE_VFORK     0x00004000      /* set if the parent wants the child to wake it up on mm_release */
14: #define CLONE_PARENT    0x00008000      /* set if we want to have the same parent as the cloner */
15: #define CLONE_THREAD    0x00010000      /* Same thread group? */
16: #define CLONE_NEWNS     0x00020000      /* New namespace group? */
17: #define CLONE_SYSVSEM   0x00040000      /* share system V SEM_UNDO semantics */
18: #define CLONE_SETTLS    0x00080000      /* create a new TLS for the child */
19: #define CLONE_PARENT_SETTID     0x00100000      /* set the TID in the parent */
20: #define CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID    0x00200000      /* clear the TID in the child */
21: #define CLONE_DETACHED          0x00400000      /* Unused, ignored */
22: #define CLONE_UNTRACED          0x00800000      /* set if the tracing process can't force CLONE_PTRACE on this clone */
23: #define CLONE_CHILD_SETTID      0x01000000      /* set the TID in the child */
24: /* 0x02000000 was previously the unused CLONE_STOPPED (Start in stopped state)
25:    and is now available for re-use. */
26: #define CLONE_NEWUTS            0x04000000      /* New utsname group? */
27: #define CLONE_NEWIPC            0x08000000      /* New ipcs */
28: #define CLONE_NEWUSER           0x10000000      /* New user namespace */
29: #define CLONE_NEWPID            0x20000000      /* New pid namespace */
30: #define CLONE_NEWNET            0x40000000      /* New network namespace */
31: #define CLONE_IO                0x80000000      /* Clone io context */
33: /*
34:  * Scheduling policies
35:  */
36: #define SCHED_NORMAL            0
37: #define SCHED_FIFO              1
38: #define SCHED_RR                2
39: #define SCHED_BATCH             3
40: /* SCHED_ISO: reserved but not implemented yet */
41: #define SCHED_IDLE              5
42: /* Can be ORed in to make sure the process is reverted back to SCHED_NORMAL on fork */
43: #define SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK     0x40000000
46: #endif

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Andrew Scott