Dr Andrew Scott G7VAV

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001: #ifndef _LINUX_HDREG_H
002: #define _LINUX_HDREG_H
004: #include <linux/types.h>
006: /*
007:  * Command Header sizes for IOCTL commands
008:  */
010: #define HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE         (4 * sizeof(__u8))
011: #define HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE         (8 * sizeof(__u8))
012: #define HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE        (8 * sizeof(__u8))
014: #define IDE_DRIVE_TASK_NO_DATA          0
015: #define IDE_DRIVE_TASK_INVALID          -1
016: #define IDE_DRIVE_TASK_SET_XFER         1
017: #define IDE_DRIVE_TASK_IN               2
018: #define IDE_DRIVE_TASK_OUT              3
019: #define IDE_DRIVE_TASK_RAW_WRITE        4
021: /*
022:  * Define standard taskfile in/out register
023:  */
024: #define IDE_TASKFILE_STD_IN_FLAGS       0xFE
025: #define IDE_HOB_STD_IN_FLAGS            0x3C
026: #define IDE_TASKFILE_STD_OUT_FLAGS      0xFE
027: #define IDE_HOB_STD_OUT_FLAGS           0x3C
029: typedef unsigned char task_ioreg_t;
030: typedef unsigned long sata_ioreg_t;
032: typedef union ide_reg_valid_s {
033:         unsigned all                            : 16;
034:         struct {
035:                 unsigned data                   : 1;
036:                 unsigned error_feature          : 1;
037:                 unsigned sector                 : 1;
038:                 unsigned nsector                : 1;
039:                 unsigned lcyl                   : 1;
040:                 unsigned hcyl                   : 1;
041:                 unsigned select                 : 1;
042:                 unsigned status_command         : 1;
044:                 unsigned data_hob               : 1;
045:                 unsigned error_feature_hob      : 1;
046:                 unsigned sector_hob             : 1;
047:                 unsigned nsector_hob            : 1;
048:                 unsigned lcyl_hob               : 1;
049:                 unsigned hcyl_hob               : 1;
050:                 unsigned select_hob             : 1;
051:                 unsigned control_hob            : 1;
052:         } b;
053: } ide_reg_valid_t;
055: typedef struct ide_task_request_s {
056:         __u8            io_ports[8];
057:         __u8            hob_ports[8]; /* bytes 6 and 7 are unused */
058:         ide_reg_valid_t out_flags;
059:         ide_reg_valid_t in_flags;
060:         int             data_phase;
061:         int             req_cmd;
062:         unsigned long   out_size;
063:         unsigned long   in_size;
064: } ide_task_request_t;
066: typedef struct ide_ioctl_request_s {
067:         ide_task_request_t      *task_request;
068:         unsigned char           *out_buffer;
069:         unsigned char           *in_buffer;
070: } ide_ioctl_request_t;
072: struct hd_drive_cmd_hdr {
073:         __u8 command;
074:         __u8 sector_number;
075:         __u8 feature;
076:         __u8 sector_count;
077: };
079: typedef struct hd_drive_task_hdr {
080:         __u8 data;
081:         __u8 feature;
082:         __u8 sector_count;
083:         __u8 sector_number;
084:         __u8 low_cylinder;
085:         __u8 high_cylinder;
086:         __u8 device_head;
087:         __u8 command;
088: } task_struct_t;
090: typedef struct hd_drive_hob_hdr {
091:         __u8 data;
092:         __u8 feature;
093:         __u8 sector_count;
094:         __u8 sector_number;
095:         __u8 low_cylinder;
096:         __u8 high_cylinder;
097:         __u8 device_head;
098:         __u8 control;
099: } hob_struct_t;
101: #define TASKFILE_NO_DATA                0x0000
103: #define TASKFILE_IN                     0x0001
104: #define TASKFILE_MULTI_IN               0x0002
106: #define TASKFILE_OUT                    0x0004
107: #define TASKFILE_MULTI_OUT              0x0008
108: #define TASKFILE_IN_OUT                 0x0010
110: #define TASKFILE_IN_DMA                 0x0020
111: #define TASKFILE_OUT_DMA                0x0040
112: #define TASKFILE_IN_DMAQ                0x0080
113: #define TASKFILE_OUT_DMAQ               0x0100
115: #define TASKFILE_P_IN                   0x0200
116: #define TASKFILE_P_OUT                  0x0400
117: #define TASKFILE_P_IN_DMA               0x0800
118: #define TASKFILE_P_OUT_DMA              0x1000
119: #define TASKFILE_P_IN_DMAQ              0x2000
120: #define TASKFILE_P_OUT_DMAQ             0x4000
121: #define TASKFILE_48                     0x8000
122: #define TASKFILE_INVALID                0x7fff
124: /* ATA/ATAPI Commands pre T13 Spec */
125: #define WIN_NOP                         0x00
126: /*
127:  *      0x01->0x02 Reserved
128:  */
129: #define CFA_REQ_EXT_ERROR_CODE          0x03 /* CFA Request Extended Error Code */
130: /*
131:  *      0x04->0x07 Reserved
132:  */
133: #define WIN_SRST                        0x08 /* ATAPI soft reset command */
134: #define WIN_DEVICE_RESET                0x08
135: /*
136:  *      0x09->0x0F Reserved
137:  */
138: #define WIN_RECAL                       0x10
139: #define WIN_RESTORE                     WIN_RECAL
140: /*
141:  *      0x10->0x1F Reserved
142:  */
143: #define WIN_READ                        0x20 /* 28-Bit */
144: #define WIN_READ_ONCE                   0x21 /* 28-Bit without retries */
145: #define WIN_READ_LONG                   0x22 /* 28-Bit */
146: #define WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE              0x23 /* 28-Bit without retries */
147: #define WIN_READ_EXT                    0x24 /* 48-Bit */
148: #define WIN_READDMA_EXT                 0x25 /* 48-Bit */
149: #define WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT          0x26 /* 48-Bit */
150: #define WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT         0x27 /* 48-Bit */
151: /*
152:  *      0x28
153:  */
154: #define WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                0x29 /* 48-Bit */
155: /*
156:  *      0x2A->0x2F Reserved
157:  */
158: #define WIN_WRITE                       0x30 /* 28-Bit */
159: #define WIN_WRITE_ONCE                  0x31 /* 28-Bit without retries */
160: #define WIN_WRITE_LONG                  0x32 /* 28-Bit */
161: #define WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE             0x33 /* 28-Bit without retries */
162: #define WIN_WRITE_EXT                   0x34 /* 48-Bit */
163: #define WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                0x35 /* 48-Bit */
164: #define WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT         0x36 /* 48-Bit */
165: #define WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                 0x37 /* 48-Bit */
166: #define CFA_WRITE_SECT_WO_ERASE         0x38 /* CFA Write Sectors without erase */
167: #define WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT               0x39 /* 48-Bit */
168: /*
169:  *      0x3A->0x3B Reserved
170:  */
171: #define WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                0x3C /* 28-Bit */
172: /*
173:  *      0x3D->0x3F Reserved
174:  */
175: #define WIN_VERIFY                      0x40 /* 28-Bit - Read Verify Sectors */
176: #define WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                 0x41 /* 28-Bit - without retries */
177: #define WIN_VERIFY_EXT                  0x42 /* 48-Bit */
178: /*
179:  *      0x43->0x4F Reserved
180:  */
181: #define WIN_FORMAT                      0x50
182: /*
183:  *      0x51->0x5F Reserved
184:  */
185: #define WIN_INIT                        0x60
186: /*
187:  *      0x61->0x5F Reserved
188:  */
189: #define WIN_SEEK                        0x70 /* 0x70-0x7F Reserved */
191: #define CFA_TRANSLATE_SECTOR            0x87 /* CFA Translate Sector */
192: #define WIN_DIAGNOSE                    0x90
193: #define WIN_SPECIFY                     0x91 /* set drive geometry translation */
194: #define WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE          0x92
195: #define WIN_STANDBYNOW2                 0x94
196: #define WIN_STANDBY2                    0x96
197: #define WIN_SETIDLE2                    0x97
198: #define WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2             0x98
199: #define WIN_SLEEPNOW2                   0x99
200: /*
201:  *      0x9A VENDOR
202:  */
203: #define WIN_PACKETCMD                   0xA0 /* Send a packet command. */
204: #define WIN_PIDENTIFY                   0xA1 /* identify ATAPI device   */
205: #define WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE              0xA2
206: #define WIN_SMART                       0xB0 /* self-monitoring and reporting */
207: #define CFA_ERASE_SECTORS               0xC0
208: #define WIN_MULTREAD                    0xC4 /* read sectors using multiple mode*/
209: #define WIN_MULTWRITE                   0xC5 /* write sectors using multiple mode */
210: #define WIN_SETMULT                     0xC6 /* enable/disable multiple mode */
211: #define WIN_READDMA_QUEUED              0xC7 /* read sectors using Queued DMA transfers */
212: #define WIN_READDMA                     0xC8 /* read sectors using DMA transfers */
213: #define WIN_READDMA_ONCE                0xC9 /* 28-Bit - without retries */
214: #define WIN_WRITEDMA                    0xCA /* write sectors using DMA transfers */
215: #define WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE               0xCB /* 28-Bit - without retries */
216: #define WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED             0xCC /* write sectors using Queued DMA transfers */
217: #define CFA_WRITE_MULTI_WO_ERASE        0xCD /* CFA Write multiple without erase */
218: #define WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS              0xDA
219: #define WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE              0xDB /* ATA-1, ATA-2 vendor */
220: #define WIN_POSTBOOT                    0xDC
221: #define WIN_PREBOOT                     0xDD
222: #define WIN_DOORLOCK                    0xDE /* lock door on removable drives */
223: #define WIN_DOORUNLOCK                  0xDF /* unlock door on removable drives */
224: #define WIN_STANDBYNOW1                 0xE0
225: #define WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE               0xE1 /* force drive to become "ready" */
226: #define WIN_STANDBY                     0xE2 /* Set device in Standby Mode */
227: #define WIN_SETIDLE1                    0xE3
228: #define WIN_READ_BUFFER                 0xE4 /* force read only 1 sector */
229: #define WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1             0xE5
230: #define WIN_SLEEPNOW1                   0xE6
231: #define WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                 0xE7
232: #define WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                0xE8 /* force write only 1 sector */
233: #define WIN_WRITE_SAME                  0xE9 /* read ata-2 to use */
234:         /* SET_FEATURES 0x22 or 0xDD */
235: #define WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT             0xEA /* 48-Bit */
236: #define WIN_IDENTIFY                    0xEC /* ask drive to identify itself    */
237: #define WIN_MEDIAEJECT                  0xED
238: #define WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                0xEE /* same as WIN_IDENTIFY, but DMA */
239: #define WIN_SETFEATURES                 0xEF /* set special drive features */
240: #define EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST             0xF0
241: #define WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS           0xF1
242: #define WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK             0xF2
243: #define WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE      0xF3
244: #define WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT         0xF4
245: #define WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK        0xF5
246: #define WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE            0xF6
247: #define WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX             0xF8 /* return the native maximum address */
248: #define WIN_SET_MAX                     0xF9
249: #define DISABLE_SEAGATE                 0xFB
251: /* WIN_SMART sub-commands */
253: #define SMART_READ_VALUES               0xD0
254: #define SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS           0xD1
255: #define SMART_AUTOSAVE                  0xD2
256: #define SMART_SAVE                      0xD3
257: #define SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE         0xD4
258: #define SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR           0xD5
259: #define SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR          0xD6
260: #define SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS          0xD7
261: #define SMART_ENABLE                    0xD8
262: #define SMART_DISABLE                   0xD9
263: #define SMART_STATUS                    0xDA
264: #define SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE              0xDB
266: /* Password used in TF4 & TF5 executing SMART commands */
268: #define SMART_LCYL_PASS                 0x4F
269: #define SMART_HCYL_PASS                 0xC2
271: /* WIN_SETFEATURES sub-commands */
272: #define SETFEATURES_EN_8BIT     0x01    /* Enable 8-Bit Transfers */
273: #define SETFEATURES_EN_WCACHE   0x02    /* Enable write cache */
274: #define SETFEATURES_DIS_DEFECT  0x04    /* Disable Defect Management */
275: #define SETFEATURES_EN_APM      0x05    /* Enable advanced power management */
276: #define SETFEATURES_EN_SAME_R   0x22    /* for a region ATA-1 */
277: #define SETFEATURES_DIS_MSN     0x31    /* Disable Media Status Notification */
278: #define SETFEATURES_DIS_RETRY   0x33    /* Disable Retry */
279: #define SETFEATURES_EN_AAM      0x42    /* Enable Automatic Acoustic Management */
280: #define SETFEATURES_RW_LONG     0x44    /* Set Length of VS bytes */
281: #define SETFEATURES_SET_CACHE   0x54    /* Set Cache segments to SC Reg. Val */
282: #define SETFEATURES_DIS_RLA     0x55    /* Disable read look-ahead feature */
283: #define SETFEATURES_EN_RI       0x5D    /* Enable release interrupt */
284: #define SETFEATURES_EN_SI       0x5E    /* Enable SERVICE interrupt */
285: #define SETFEATURES_DIS_RPOD    0x66    /* Disable reverting to power on defaults */
286: #define SETFEATURES_DIS_ECC     0x77    /* Disable ECC byte count */
287: #define SETFEATURES_DIS_8BIT    0x81    /* Disable 8-Bit Transfers */
288: #define SETFEATURES_DIS_WCACHE  0x82    /* Disable write cache */
289: #define SETFEATURES_EN_DEFECT   0x84    /* Enable Defect Management */
290: #define SETFEATURES_DIS_APM     0x85    /* Disable advanced power management */
291: #define SETFEATURES_EN_ECC      0x88    /* Enable ECC byte count */
292: #define SETFEATURES_EN_MSN      0x95    /* Enable Media Status Notification */
293: #define SETFEATURES_EN_RETRY    0x99    /* Enable Retry */
294: #define SETFEATURES_EN_RLA      0xAA    /* Enable read look-ahead feature */
295: #define SETFEATURES_PREFETCH    0xAB    /* Sets drive prefetch value */
296: #define SETFEATURES_EN_REST     0xAC    /* ATA-1 */
297: #define SETFEATURES_4B_RW_LONG  0xBB    /* Set Length of 4 bytes */
298: #define SETFEATURES_DIS_AAM     0xC2    /* Disable Automatic Acoustic Management */
299: #define SETFEATURES_EN_RPOD     0xCC    /* Enable reverting to power on defaults */
300: #define SETFEATURES_DIS_RI      0xDD    /* Disable release interrupt ATAPI */
301: #define SETFEATURES_EN_SAME_M   0xDD    /* for a entire device ATA-1 */
302: #define SETFEATURES_DIS_SI      0xDE    /* Disable SERVICE interrupt ATAPI */
304: /* WIN_SECURITY sub-commands */
306: #define SECURITY_SET_PASSWORD           0xBA
307: #define SECURITY_UNLOCK                 0xBB
308: #define SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE          0xBC
309: #define SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT             0xBD
310: #define SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK            0xBE
313: struct hd_geometry {
314:       unsigned char heads;
315:       unsigned char sectors;
316:       unsigned short cylinders;
317:       unsigned long start;
318: };
320: /* hd/ide ctl's that pass (arg) ptrs to user space are numbered 0x030n/0x031n */
321: #define HDIO_GETGEO             0x0301  /* get device geometry */
322: #define HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR     0x0302  /* get current unmask setting */
323: #define HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT      0x0304  /* get current IDE blockmode setting */
324: #define HDIO_GET_QDMA           0x0305  /* get use-qdma flag */
326: #define HDIO_SET_XFER           0x0306  /* set transfer rate via proc */
328: #define HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY  0x0307  /* OBSOLETE, DO NOT USE: returns 142 bytes */
329: #define HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS   0x0308  /* get keep-settings-on-reset flag */
330: #define HDIO_GET_32BIT          0x0309  /* get current io_32bit setting */
331: #define HDIO_GET_NOWERR         0x030a  /* get ignore-write-error flag */
332: #define HDIO_GET_DMA            0x030b  /* get use-dma flag */
333: #define HDIO_GET_NICE           0x030c  /* get nice flags */
334: #define HDIO_GET_IDENTITY       0x030d  /* get IDE identification info */
335: #define HDIO_GET_WCACHE         0x030e  /* get write cache mode on|off */
336: #define HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC       0x030f  /* get acoustic value */
337: #define HDIO_GET_ADDRESS        0x0310  /* */
339: #define HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE       0x031a  /* get the bus state of the hwif */
340: #define HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF      0x031b  /* execute a channel tristate */
341: #define HDIO_DRIVE_RESET        0x031c  /* execute a device reset */
342: #define HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE     0x031d  /* execute raw taskfile */
343: #define HDIO_DRIVE_TASK         0x031e  /* execute task and special drive command */
344: #define HDIO_DRIVE_CMD          0x031f  /* execute a special drive command */
347: /* hd/ide ctl's that pass (arg) non-ptr values are numbered 0x032n/0x033n */
348: #define HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT      0x0321  /* change IDE blockmode */
349: #define HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR     0x0322  /* permit other irqs during I/O */
350: #define HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS   0x0323  /* keep ioctl settings on reset */
351: #define HDIO_SET_32BIT          0x0324  /* change io_32bit flags */
352: #define HDIO_SET_NOWERR         0x0325  /* change ignore-write-error flag */
353: #define HDIO_SET_DMA            0x0326  /* change use-dma flag */
354: #define HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE       0x0327  /* reconfig interface to new speed */
355: #define HDIO_SCAN_HWIF          0x0328  /* register and (re)scan interface */
356: #define HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF    0x032a  /* unregister interface */
357: #define HDIO_SET_NICE           0x0329  /* set nice flags */
358: #define HDIO_SET_WCACHE         0x032b  /* change write cache enable-disable */
359: #define HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC       0x032c  /* change acoustic behavior */
360: #define HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE       0x032d  /* set the bus state of the hwif */
361: #define HDIO_SET_QDMA           0x032e  /* change use-qdma flag */
362: #define HDIO_SET_ADDRESS        0x032f  /* change lba addressing modes */
364: /* bus states */
365: enum {
366:         BUSSTATE_OFF = 0,
367:         BUSSTATE_ON,
369: };
371: /* hd/ide ctl's that pass (arg) ptrs to user space are numbered 0x033n/0x033n */
372: /* 0x330 is reserved - used to be HDIO_GETGEO_BIG */
373: /* 0x331 is reserved - used to be HDIO_GETGEO_BIG_RAW */
374: /* 0x338 is reserved - used to be HDIO_SET_IDE_SCSI */
375: /* 0x339 is reserved - used to be HDIO_SET_SCSI_IDE */
377: #define __NEW_HD_DRIVE_ID
379: /*
380:  * Structure returned by HDIO_GET_IDENTITY, as per ANSI NCITS ATA6 rev.1b spec.
381:  *
382:  * If you change something here, please remember to update fix_driveid() in
383:  * ide/probe.c.
384:  */
385: struct hd_driveid {
386:         unsigned short  config;         /* lots of obsolete bit flags */
387:         unsigned short  cyls;           /* Obsolete, "physical" cyls */
388:         unsigned short  reserved2;      /* reserved (word 2) */
389:         unsigned short  heads;          /* Obsolete, "physical" heads */
390:         unsigned short  track_bytes;    /* unformatted bytes per track */
391:         unsigned short  sector_bytes;   /* unformatted bytes per sector */
392:         unsigned short  sectors;        /* Obsolete, "physical" sectors per track */
393:         unsigned short  vendor0;        /* vendor unique */
394:         unsigned short  vendor1;        /* vendor unique */
395:         unsigned short  vendor2;        /* Retired vendor unique */
396:         unsigned char   serial_no[20];  /* 0 = not_specified */
397:         unsigned short  buf_type;       /* Retired */
398:         unsigned short  buf_size;       /* Retired, 512 byte increments
399:                                          * 0 = not_specified
400:                                          */
401:         unsigned short  ecc_bytes;      /* for r/w long cmds; 0 = not_specified */
402:         unsigned char   fw_rev[8];      /* 0 = not_specified */
403:         unsigned char   model[40];      /* 0 = not_specified */
404:         unsigned char   max_multsect;   /* 0=not_implemented */
405:         unsigned char   vendor3;        /* vendor unique */
406:         unsigned short  dword_io;       /* 0=not_implemented; 1=implemented */
407:         unsigned char   vendor4;        /* vendor unique */
408:         unsigned char   capability;     /* (upper byte of word 49)
409:                                          *  3:  IORDYsup
410:                                          *  2:  IORDYsw
411:                                          *  1:  LBA
412:                                          *  0:  DMA
413:                                          */
414:         unsigned short  reserved50;     /* reserved (word 50) */
415:         unsigned char   vendor5;        /* Obsolete, vendor unique */
416:         unsigned char   tPIO;           /* Obsolete, 0=slow, 1=medium, 2=fast */
417:         unsigned char   vendor6;        /* Obsolete, vendor unique */
418:         unsigned char   tDMA;           /* Obsolete, 0=slow, 1=medium, 2=fast */
419:         unsigned short  field_valid;    /* (word 53)
420:                                          *  2:  ultra_ok        word  88
421:                                          *  1:  eide_ok         words 64-70
422:                                          *  0:  cur_ok          words 54-58
423:                                          */
424:         unsigned short  cur_cyls;       /* Obsolete, logical cylinders */
425:         unsigned short  cur_heads;      /* Obsolete, l heads */
426:         unsigned short  cur_sectors;    /* Obsolete, l sectors per track */
427:         unsigned short  cur_capacity0;  /* Obsolete, l total sectors on drive */
428:         unsigned short  cur_capacity1;  /* Obsolete, (2 words, misaligned int)     */
429:         unsigned char   multsect;       /* current multiple sector count */
430:         unsigned char   multsect_valid; /* when (bit0==1) multsect is ok */
431:         unsigned int    lba_capacity;   /* Obsolete, total number of sectors */
432:         unsigned short  dma_1word;      /* Obsolete, single-word dma info */
433:         unsigned short  dma_mword;      /* multiple-word dma info */
434:         unsigned short  eide_pio_modes; /* bits 0:mode3 1:mode4 */
435:         unsigned short  eide_dma_min;   /* min mword dma cycle time (ns) */
436:         unsigned short  eide_dma_time;  /* recommended mword dma cycle time (ns) */
437:         unsigned short  eide_pio;       /* min cycle time (ns), no IORDY  */
438:         unsigned short  eide_pio_iordy; /* min cycle time (ns), with IORDY */
439:         unsigned short  words69_70[2];  /* reserved words 69-70
440:                                          * future command overlap and queuing
441:                                          */
442:         unsigned short  words71_74[4];  /* reserved words 71-74
443:                                          * for IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE command
444:                                          */
445:         unsigned short  queue_depth;    /* (word 75)
446:                                          * 15:5 reserved
447:                                          *  4:0 Maximum queue depth -1
448:                                          */
449:         unsigned short  words76_79[4];  /* reserved words 76-79 */
450:         unsigned short  major_rev_num;  /* (word 80) */
451:         unsigned short  minor_rev_num;  /* (word 81) */
452:         unsigned short  command_set_1;  /* (word 82) supported
453:                                          * 15:  Obsolete
454:                                          * 14:  NOP command
455:                                          * 13:  READ_BUFFER
456:                                          * 12:  WRITE_BUFFER
457:                                          * 11:  Obsolete
458:                                          * 10:  Host Protected Area
459:                                          *  9:  DEVICE Reset
460:                                          *  8:  SERVICE Interrupt
461:                                          *  7:  Release Interrupt
462:                                          *  6:  look-ahead
463:                                          *  5:  write cache
464:                                          *  4:  PACKET Command
465:                                          *  3:  Power Management Feature Set
466:                                          *  2:  Removable Feature Set
467:                                          *  1:  Security Feature Set
468:                                          *  0:  SMART Feature Set
469:                                          */
470:         unsigned short  command_set_2;  /* (word 83)
471:                                          * 15:  Shall be ZERO
472:                                          * 14:  Shall be ONE
473:                                          * 13:  FLUSH CACHE EXT
474:                                          * 12:  FLUSH CACHE
475:                                          * 11:  Device Configuration Overlay
476:                                          * 10:  48-bit Address Feature Set
477:                                          *  9:  Automatic Acoustic Management
478:                                          *  8:  SET MAX security
479:                                          *  7:  reserved 1407DT PARTIES
480:                                          *  6:  SetF sub-command Power-Up
481:                                          *  5:  Power-Up in Standby Feature Set
482:                                          *  4:  Removable Media Notification
483:                                          *  3:  APM Feature Set
484:                                          *  2:  CFA Feature Set
485:                                          *  1:  READ/WRITE DMA QUEUED
486:                                          *  0:  Download MicroCode
487:                                          */
488:         unsigned short  cfsse;          /* (word 84)
489:                                          * cmd set-feature supported extensions
490:                                          * 15:  Shall be ZERO
491:                                          * 14:  Shall be ONE
492:                                          * 13:6 reserved
493:                                          *  5:  General Purpose Logging
494:                                          *  4:  Streaming Feature Set
495:                                          *  3:  Media Card Pass Through
496:                                          *  2:  Media Serial Number Valid
497:                                          *  1:  SMART selt-test supported
498:                                          *  0:  SMART error logging
499:                                          */
500:         unsigned short  cfs_enable_1;   /* (word 85)
501:                                          * command set-feature enabled
502:                                          * 15:  Obsolete
503:                                          * 14:  NOP command
504:                                          * 13:  READ_BUFFER
505:                                          * 12:  WRITE_BUFFER
506:                                          * 11:  Obsolete
507:                                          * 10:  Host Protected Area
508:                                          *  9:  DEVICE Reset
509:                                          *  8:  SERVICE Interrupt
510:                                          *  7:  Release Interrupt
511:                                          *  6:  look-ahead
512:                                          *  5:  write cache
513:                                          *  4:  PACKET Command
514:                                          *  3:  Power Management Feature Set
515:                                          *  2:  Removable Feature Set
516:                                          *  1:  Security Feature Set
517:                                          *  0:  SMART Feature Set
518:                                          */
519:         unsigned short  cfs_enable_2;   /* (word 86)
520:                                          * command set-feature enabled
521:                                          * 15:  Shall be ZERO
522:                                          * 14:  Shall be ONE
523:                                          * 13:  FLUSH CACHE EXT
524:                                          * 12:  FLUSH CACHE
525:                                          * 11:  Device Configuration Overlay
526:                                          * 10:  48-bit Address Feature Set
527:                                          *  9:  Automatic Acoustic Management
528:                                          *  8:  SET MAX security
529:                                          *  7:  reserved 1407DT PARTIES
530:                                          *  6:  SetF sub-command Power-Up
531:                                          *  5:  Power-Up in Standby Feature Set
532:                                          *  4:  Removable Media Notification
533:                                          *  3:  APM Feature Set
534:                                          *  2:  CFA Feature Set
535:                                          *  1:  READ/WRITE DMA QUEUED
536:                                          *  0:  Download MicroCode
537:                                          */
538:         unsigned short  csf_default;    /* (word 87)
539:                                          * command set-feature default
540:                                          * 15:  Shall be ZERO
541:                                          * 14:  Shall be ONE
542:                                          * 13:6 reserved
543:                                          *  5:  General Purpose Logging enabled
544:                                          *  4:  Valid CONFIGURE STREAM executed
545:                                          *  3:  Media Card Pass Through enabled
546:                                          *  2:  Media Serial Number Valid
547:                                          *  1:  SMART selt-test supported
548:                                          *  0:  SMART error logging
549:                                          */
550:         unsigned short  dma_ultra;      /* (word 88) */
551:         unsigned short  trseuc;         /* time required for security erase */
552:         unsigned short  trsEuc;         /* time required for enhanced erase */
553:         unsigned short  CurAPMvalues;   /* current APM values */
554:         unsigned short  mprc;           /* master password revision code */
555:         unsigned short  hw_config;      /* hardware config (word 93)
556:                                          * 15:  Shall be ZERO
557:                                          * 14:  Shall be ONE
558:                                          * 13:
559:                                          * 12:
560:                                          * 11:
561:                                          * 10:
562:                                          *  9:
563:                                          *  8:
564:                                          *  7:
565:                                          *  6:
566:                                          *  5:
567:                                          *  4:
568:                                          *  3:
569:                                          *  2:
570:                                          *  1:
571:                                          *  0:  Shall be ONE
572:                                          */
573:         unsigned short  acoustic;       /* (word 94)
574:                                          * 15:8 Vendor's recommended value
575:                                          *  7:0 current value
576:                                          */
577:         unsigned short  msrqs;          /* min stream request size */
578:         unsigned short  sxfert;         /* stream transfer time */
579:         unsigned short  sal;            /* stream access latency */
580:         unsigned int    spg;            /* stream performance granularity */
581:         unsigned long long lba_capacity_2;/* 48-bit total number of sectors */
582:         unsigned short  words104_125[22];/* reserved words 104-125 */
583:         unsigned short  last_lun;       /* (word 126) */
584:         unsigned short  word127;        /* (word 127) Feature Set
585:                                          * Removable Media Notification
586:                                          * 15:2 reserved
587:                                          *  1:0 00 = not supported
588:                                          *      01 = supported
589:                                          *      10 = reserved
590:                                          *      11 = reserved
591:                                          */
592:         unsigned short  dlf;            /* (word 128)
593:                                          * device lock function
594:                                          * 15:9 reserved
595:                                          *  8   security level 1:max 0:high
596:                                          *  7:6 reserved
597:                                          *  5   enhanced erase
598:                                          *  4   expire
599:                                          *  3   frozen
600:                                          *  2   locked
601:                                          *  1   en/disabled
602:                                          *  0   capability
603:                                          */
604:         unsigned short  csfo;           /*  (word 129)
605:                                          * current set features options
606:                                          * 15:4 reserved
607:                                          *  3:  auto reassign
608:                                          *  2:  reverting
609:                                          *  1:  read-look-ahead
610:                                          *  0:  write cache
611:                                          */
612:         unsigned short  words130_155[26];/* reserved vendor words 130-155 */
613:         unsigned short  word156;        /* reserved vendor word 156 */
614:         unsigned short  words157_159[3];/* reserved vendor words 157-159 */
615:         unsigned short  cfa_power;      /* (word 160) CFA Power Mode
616:                                          * 15 word 160 supported
617:                                          * 14 reserved
618:                                          * 13
619:                                          * 12
620:                                          * 11:0
621:                                          */
622:         unsigned short  words161_175[15];/* Reserved for CFA */
623:         unsigned short  words176_205[30];/* Current Media Serial Number */
624:         unsigned short  words206_254[49];/* reserved words 206-254 */
625:         unsigned short  integrity_word; /* (word 255)
626:                                          * 15:8 Checksum
627:                                          *  7:0 Signature
628:                                          */
629: };
631: /*
632:  * IDE "nice" flags. These are used on a per drive basis to determine
633:  * when to be nice and give more bandwidth to the other devices which
634:  * share the same IDE bus.
635:  */
636: #define IDE_NICE_DSC_OVERLAP    (0)     /* per the DSC overlap protocol */
637: #define IDE_NICE_ATAPI_OVERLAP  (1)     /* not supported yet */
638: #define IDE_NICE_1              (3)     /* when probably won't affect us much */
639: #define IDE_NICE_0              (2)     /* when sure that it won't affect us */
640: #define IDE_NICE_2              (4)     /* when we know it's on our expense */
642: #endif  /* _LINUX_HDREG_H */

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All Rights Reserved
Andrew Scott