Dr Andrew Scott G7VAV

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CSC370.1: Computing History
The first session looks at the history of computing from the time just before electronic computers to the first commercial computing systems.
Videos contain clips from old lectures and interviews with the pioneers of electronic computing, along with still and moving images of many of the first computers.
While some clips show their age, the videos give a rare opportunity to glimpse the world as it was and gain insight into the incredible hurdles that had to be overcome to bring about the dawn of modern computing.

More details on the internal version of this page. Some computing history related links...
Wikipedia: Computer History
FinancialForce Cloud Computing Software and Data Storage History (Thanks to Anna)
HP CS Virtual Resource Centre (Thanks to Sarah from Lyndhurst STEM Club for Girls)
Manchester Baby and Tommy Flowers
Max Newman
Bletchley Park
Computer Conservation Society
National Physical Laboratory
National Museum of Computing
ACM Annals
Computer History Museum
Centre for Computing History
Charles Babbage Institute
Software History
History Resources Society and History of Technology
History of Computing
American University Computing History Museum
Internet History
Home Computers
Old Computers
Binary Dinosaurs
Timeline of Computer Storage
Brief History of the Internet
Hedy Lamarr (Wikipedia)
LEO (Wikipedia, Warwick, Telegraph)
Dawn of Electronic Computing, 1935 - 1945
Card and desk calculators, Alan Turing; Konrad Zuse: Z3, Z4; George Stibitz: BTL1, John Vincent Atanasoff: ABC (Vacuum Tubes, Drum memory, Punched Cards); Howard H. Aiken, Grace Hopper: ASCC/Havrard Mark1; Wallace Eckert: SSEC.
The First Computers, 1946 - 1950
J. Presper Eckert, John Mauchly: ENIAC, and later EDVAC, Mercury delay line; Frederic Celland 'Freddie' Williams, Tim Kilburn: Manchester SSEM/ Baby, Williams-Kilburn tube; Maurice Wilkes, David Wheeler: EDSAC; John von Neumann: EDVAC report; Manchester Mark 1, Ferranti Mark 1; J. Presper Eckert, John Mauchly, (Sperry-)Rand: UNIVAC; John von Neumann: IAS; John Pinkerton, David Caminer, J. Lyons and Co.: LEO; IBM 701; IAS based MANIAC 1; UNIVAC 1103/ UNIVAC 1103A (Core memory).

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Andrew Scott