Dr Andrew Scott G7VAV

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CSc 353: Advanced Computer Networks

Recent advances in the technologies underlying the telecommunication and computing industries have led to the rapid development of broadband communications systems and of multimedia equipment. The Internet has developed very quickly as the prime candidate to form the network technology of the future, and is being embraced by telecommunication operators and their suppliers. International standards and de-regulation are major influences on these technology developments; this includes the activities of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) that has responsibility for all of the Internet protocols including IP and TCP. Multimedia technologies and broadband communications have opened up a whole range of new applications, including simple Web access, multimedia streaming, and e-commerce. This course covers a number of the major advances in telecommunications networks and Internet technology that have enabled these changes. It also looks at the issues of deploying these advanced features in real world scenarios. Router designs capable of supporting the performance demands of today's networks are discussed.

Recommended Texts
Peterson and Davie
Larry L. Peterson, Bruce S. Davie,
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach (5th Edition)
Morgan Kaufmann, 20 April 2011, Hardback/ Paperback/ Kindle: 920 pages
Francois Fluckiger,
Understanding Networked Multimedia: Applications and Technologies
Prentice Hall, 24 August 1995, Hardcover: 620 pages
Geoff Huston,
Internet Performance Survival Guide: QoS Strategies for Multi-service Networks
John Wiley & Sons, 20 March 2000, Paperback: 576 pages
Christian Huitema,
IPv6: The New Internet Protocol
Prentice Hall, 10 November 1997, Paperback: 247 pages

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Andrew Scott